Sometimes you just have to make something. That great piece of flat felt that I made during my playdate on Friday last just became a peony, a blue peony.
Now, I have never actually seen a blue peony in real life, they may very well exist in some mystical garden out there, but I have seen one on my great-grandmother's coverlet.
My great-grandmother's coverlet was sewn from the drapes that had hung in the dining room of my great-great-grandmother's house. These were staunch Appalachian women. Nothing went to waste. Now the coverlet is folded at end of the bed my grandmother gave my great-grandmother....which has pride of place in the front bedroom of my house.
Blue Peonies....may this one make some lucky woman feel as lovely as these women never knew they were.
Oh, Marysusan, that's BEAUTIFUL! And my favorite color. :)
Thanks Sam. I am such a dork that writing my own post made me cry...I must be getting homesick. I guess it is a good thing that I am going south for a visit in less than a month.
Your felted work is just so beautiful, Marysusan. Blue Peonies! Has a nice ring to it. : )
Soft and delicate.
Marysusan, your flower is gorgeous!!!! And I love your entire blog!!! Kind Regards, Carol in England
I love your stacked center beads. Beyooutiful! Nice haircut too. You look dashing.
I love making them....the stacked bead centers just take FOREVER, but that is ok. It is what separates ART from CRAFT in my head sometimes....or at least artful, perhaps. I just sit with the tray of beads, the silk and needles in front of me and go into a zen state and bead and bead and bead.
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