What do you make on a lovely day when the sun is shining and you have a big old mental block? I reach for a rubber block. I find that one of my old carved rubber blocks is great for un-stoppering the creative juices. I just ink it up, press it out, dab out the inks, watercolors or what-have-you, and within a few minutes I have a finished piece in front of me ....and amazingly....I have made something.

Any artist or writer will tell you that the most important part of getting out of a creative slump is just MAKING SOMETHING.
So when you see my Emily or Tree motif show up, chances are that I am in a funky brain fog and am trying to clear away the cobwebs. Here is to hoping that once they are clear I can move on and do something totally new. But at least it is good to have something that works as an artistic jump start.
Congrats on the blog, Marysusan. I love it. It's very elegant just like you. I truly enjoy your work. Just beautiful. Welcome to the blogging world. : )
I think I've told you this before, but just in case, my first name is Mary. : )
you have a tree motif! why have i not seen this before- runs to etsy
congrats on the bloggity blog - all the cool girls are doing it- :)
o hand i love your tag line and the banner the colors and banner look good
*waves to mary sylvie*
i don't see anything with that lovely tree!!! looked in sold too
I haven't done anything with the tree before....it is actually new!
These look great! I am going to clean off my desk so I can get to carving.
It's so often I forget to just make when I am in a creative rut and making is the only way to get out. Thank's for that reminder!!!!
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