I don't often post about non-art related personal life type stuff here...but I thought that this was kind of amusing. My husband and I just celebrated our 1oth wedding anniversary (hence the trip to Williamsburg). He gave me the most lovely diamond anniversary band. You see, when we married, he was a young college professor and I was a grad student (get your mind out of the gutter...he was never MY professor, we weren't even in remotely related disciplines) and we had very little money. We could either pay for our wedding or pay for a ring. We decided on a wedding, and he made me a promise that I would have a ring by our 10th wedding anniversary. Well, many folks never make it that far, you know. So here comes our anniversary and also comes the ring. The design of it was so considered. I couldn't have a big solitaire, because that would just be silly, besides, the prongs would get all caught in the fibers of wool when I felt. I needed to have something simple and elegant, because I am a simple gal, and a clutz...and anything too big would get knocked about. I needed something where the stones were flush to each other, so that paint and dirt and who knows what else wouldn't get caught between them. So....this is what I got.

And it is perfect....
and yea for sweet patient husbands who understand about artsy women...he may not be perfect, but he is really really close.
Congratulations to the both of you!
Thanks Marissa!
I love the way the light bounces off of your ring in the second photo. Bling! Congratulations & Happy Ten Years! =^.^=
Many congratulations! It's so shiny...
congratulations on 10 years! very inspiring. and the ring looks lovely. - Corris Little (Cheap Thrills blog)
Thanks Katie, Kate and Corris!
Now I have to get back in the studio and get over the vacation inertia...
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