I completed my "Heart 35" shrine and decided to put it up on Etsy. I feel that it did its job for me, and that I would put it out in the world for someone else. There are plenty of folks out there who could use artistic protection for their hearts, in one form or another, maybe it has been broken physically or metaphorically. Maybe everyone needs a protective heart shrine...
Yes, that is a real suture needle
and real suturing silk.
I figured that I might as well
go to total realism in at
least some regard, and I
did have all that old medical
equipment laying around.
Don't Ask...
Please note the heart diagram on the right...
This is a stamp pulled from an old anatomy text
Love it.
Then there is the spool of surgical tape
and the wooden spool/game peice
Interpret it as you will.
These were decayed and falling apart,
which I see as a distinct bonus.
They hold things together....
until they don't.
What do you have to protect your heart?
Just your Sternum?
A wish, hope and a prayer?
Get Serious.